High-speed, high-quality and cost competitive
AJR Specialty Products offers high-quality printing solutions on a multitude of surfaces and products.
The B150 Benchtop provides our clients the best equipment for pad printing. This machine easily handles printing on molded housing, drinkware, and any other product 5.5 inches in height or less. It has 779 pounds of compression capability and can produce small images at a lower cost.
We us the Creatr HS 3D Printer, a machine that provides multi-functional reliability, for Rapid Phototype 3D Printing. Two colors or materials can be printed simultaneously. High-speed printing ensures the most cost effective production of your finished product.
Screen Printing
Our facilities can screen print on a multitude of images and products up to an image size of 52” x 96” on our RENEGADE XL Flatbed Press!

Pad Printing
For pad printing we use the B150 Benchtop.

Rapid Prototype 3D Printing
And our Rapid Prototype 3D Printing is available for PLA, ABS, Nylon, and PVA materials.